Silos Toy Box

Policy and Terms of Service 8-6-2010

Anything contained on any website associated to this one or linked from this one is considered part of the public domain free content unless stated otherwise. If any author wishes to update, change or alter what is listed as the copyright for anything listed on this website it will be that authors responsability to provide a link to the license change to Otherwise if no license is listed or is not available the work will be considered public domain free content and will not hold anyone associated with or that sends you to this website responsable for anything.

The public domain is a range of creative works whose copyrigth has expired, or was never established; as well as ideas and facts which are ineligible for copyright. A public domain work is a work whose author has either relinquished to the public, or no longer can claim control over the distribution and usage of the work. As such any person may manipulate, distribute, or otherwise utilize the work, without legal ramifications.

Free content refers to any kind of functional work, artwork, software or other creative content and is also known as free cultural work. A free cultural work is one which has no significant legal restriction on peoples freedom to use or modify the content, to distribute copies of the content and to distribute works derived from the content. Free content is refered to as open content, free software and open source. In the event an author has no copyright listed the content will be considered public domain free content with no copyrights.

If you do not agree to the listed policy then you may not proceed and are asked to close this website or click I do not agree. In the event you do agree you may proceed and click I agree. By agreeing you also agree if you are a author, co-author, or have any affiliation with anything listed on this website, that by agreeing to these terms and services that this policy knowns as terms, policy or terms of service will supersede any license or copyrights you have. This site is for personal use and is intended for the owners use only as a storage location for all information he or she feels fit.  Since this is a personal site not intended for public use any and all information, all links and information is provided as a reference point for the owner and may be out of date.

By agreeing you also agree to any changes made to this policy in the past, present and future. In the event a change is made you don't agree with your only other option is not to proceed and click I do not agree. These terms will always apply even if a page is directly linked to. A link to this policy will be posted at the bottom of every page. The terms policy and terms of service are use to reference this document and in by way refer to any type of service to rended, given or implied.

This policy was created as a safe guard to anyone that happened to end up at this website by mistake. Since it is information stored on the internet there is always a chance someone wasn't trying to access the owners personal storage website. This has always been the intention of this website and always will be. This policy and terms of service have always been in effect just now you must actually click the agree or not agree.