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Decal Plugins

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MiniPK Rim A nice package of useful PK items. (please view download instructions for more details)Click hereDownload File

1. Download the file onto your computer.
2. Create a MiniPK folder somewhere on your computer.
3. Unzip the contents of into your MiniPK folder.
4. Open decal and click add.
5. Click brows and go to your MiniPK folder.
6. Click on MiniPK.dll and click save.
7. Make sure MiniPK is checked in the main Decal interface.

For Monarchs who want a certain KoS list save your <monarchGUID>.xml file to your website and in your Monarch MOTD in AC1 add the following text at the very beginning of your MOTD: MiniPKURL=<The URL to your KoS list>


Remember to add the / at the end of the URL or it won't work.

1. Ability to sort players based on their distance from you.
2. The interface shows each players relative coordinates to you, for example: 0.2e 0.5s means that they are south east of your current position.
3. Ability to show other players from your clan and fellow which player you're targeting.
4. Ability to have a central KoS list that is downloaded for each of your clan members automatically.
5. Visual distinction between those players who are on and off radar.
6. Shows the weapon each player detected is using and allows you to select that weapon.
7. Shows the vulns you, your fellow or your clan member have cast on each target (including mobs).
8. Ability to assign your own items or spells to the six hot keys on the Players tab.
9. The ability for MiniPK to buffer spell casting so that you can press the next spell you want to cast before the current spell is complete.
10. MiniPK can now FTP your Political (KoS) list to your web server.
11. Added Spam filter for General and Trade channels.
12. /PKafk command for logging from not friendly players.
13. Other /commands added.
14. Chat and event log that includes the log of when MiniPK finds players.
15. Ability to display an arrow over the currently called PK target for your fellow.


 Below is Examples of the MiniPK Tabs and Decal Icon.